Saturday, May 11, 2024

O Mario Where is Yo?

     Due to some vague and out of our control issues with the site we record with, there will be a fair amount of snap, crackle, and even pop this week. We did our best to fix it but... apologizes in advance. This week two movies about desperate men trying to get the money and run before their short windows of time run out.

     When rogue Secret Service agent Foss takes the Vice President of the Uniter States hostage in the owner's box at Civic Arena during Game 7 of the 1995 Stanley Cup Finals, he never expected a traumatized former fire fighter who had then job of arena fire marshal to crash the party. Now Darren McCord must face his trauma, save his kids, kill a small army of professionals, and make sure the Pittsburgh Penguins can tie in the 3rd so the game can end in... Sudden Death.
     Pete, Delmar, and Ulysses Everett McGill escape a chain gang to dig up a treasure that is stored in a cabin that will be flooded to become a lake in just a few days. Their odyssey crosses paths with sirens and klansmen and possibly the devil himself, and takes them from ditch digging to a wonderful treasure... just not the one they seek. All with some mighty fine a-pickin' and a-singin'- O Brother, Where Art Thou?
     All that and Tyler buys a new toy, Kevin shares the pain, Craig makes threats, and Dave hunts the Rice Krispies. Join us, won't you? 
    Episode 360- O Mario, Where is Yo?

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