Sunday, August 4, 2024

Unsimulated Car Chase

     This week- a pair of films about criminal elements and the fast decent into obsession.

     When his partner is killed, just three days before retirement, Secret Service Agent Richard Chance becomes obsessed with getting revenge on the counterfeiter Eric Masters. As Chance increasingly goes off the rails, indulging in sexual extortion of an informant and kidnapping and assault, his new partner is powerless to rein him in. Masters and Chance head toward an unavoidable confrontation that is the price they pay To Live and Die in L.A.
     Summer on the Belgian-Netherlands border, eight teens indulge in their sexual curiosity to stave off boredom. This light play soon leads them down the paths of sociopathy, sex trafficking, obstruction of traffic, and murder. One of the most Movies to Scare Parents films ever made, a desperate to be shocking tale of the hidden spoiled sociopath predators that must lie in the heart of all youth everywhere... because reasons- We (Dutch title Wij).
     All that and Dave had a night in a museum, Tyler experiences force feedback cinema at its franchisest, Craig watches Japanese classics under a pile of pug, and Kevin gets drills his secret squirrel army in secret. Join us, won't you?
   Episode 372- Unsimulated Car Chase

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